Player Waiver Form 2024 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Parent / Guardian Details2Player Details3Waiver AcknowledgmentParent / Guardian DetailsParent / Guardian name *FirstLastParent / Guardian Email *EmailConfirm EmailContact telephone numberNextPlayer DetailsPlayer Name *FirstLastPlayer's Date of BirthDD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920In which sport is the player participating *RugbyNetballCricketRugby - in which age group? *Under 13Under 14Under 16Under 16 GirlsNetball - in which age group? *Under 11Under 13Under 15Cricket - in which age group? *Under 13Under 15Rugby Under 13 - for which Club? *Abu Dhabi HarlequinsAbu Dhabi Small BlacksBarrelhouseDubai ExilesDubai HurricanesDubai SharksDubai TigersDubai WarriorsRugby Under 14 - for which Club? *Abu Dhabi HarlequinsDubai ExilesDubai HurricanesDubai SharksDubai TigersDubai WarriorsRugby Under 16 - for which Club? *Abu Dhabi HarlequinsDubai ExilesDubai HurricanesDubai SharksDubai TigersDubai WarriorsRugby Under 16 Girls - for which Club? *Abu Dhabi FrenchAbu Dhabi HarlequinsDubai ExilesDubai HurricanesDubai SharksDubai TigersNetball Under 11 - for which school? *Arcadia SchoolCranleigh Abu DhabiDESSJESS JumeirahJumeirah PrimaryJESS RanchesKings School DubaiRepton Al BarshaNetball Under 13 - for which school? *Arcadia SchoolBrighton CollegeCranleigh Abu DhabiDESCDubai CollegeJESS RanchesJumeirah CollegeRepton Al BarshaNetball Under 15 - for which school? *Brighton CollegeCranleigh Abu DhabiDESCDubai CollegeJESS RanchesJumeirah CollegeRepton Al BarshaSharjah English SchoolCricket Under 13 - for which school / club? *DESCDubai CollegeDubai International AcademyGEMS WellingtonJumeirah CollegeSharjah English SchoolCricket Under 15 - for which school / club? *ArcadiaDelhi Private SchoolDESCDubai CollegeDubai International AcademyGEMS WellingtonJumeirah CollegeSharjah English SchoolPreviousNextEmirates Dubai 7s - Youth Sports: Rules and Regulations A parent / guardian of Under 18s should remain close by in case of injury. Water – please bring plenty of water. Spectators – Spectators are allowed on site however NO spectators are permitted inside the playing area. Images and Videos - by signing this waiver, you agree that the tournament organisers can capture and create video & photographic imagery of the sport / event taking place and that this can be shared on all tournament organisers digital platforms. Emirates Dubai 7s - Youth Sports: Injury and Medical Waiver By signing this waiver you acknowledge that you are the parent / legal guardian of the player and giving permission for your child to participate. You also acknowledge that your child is playing at their own risk and indemnify the tournament organisers from all liability arising from any injury, accident or death caused as a result of participating in the Emirates Dubai 7s - Youth Sports Festival. I have read and understood the Emirates Dubai 7s - Youth Sports rules and regulations and agree to the injury and medical waiver. *YesNoThe Tournament Organisers are committed to ensuring the privacy, security, and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. You can view the Privacy Policy here. I agree to my email being stored and used to receive emails from the Emirates Dubai 7s & the Youth Sports Festival: *YesNoI would like to receive information and commercial offers from Emirates' Partners *YesNoSubmit